About Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.

Our Staff
Audrey and I have a long history with CEF. Our family of 8 has grown up in CEF. Whether it was a 5-Day Club, a Good News Club, or a fair ministry, we have served together for over 25 years. We are excited to share what the Lord has taught us in this ministry with the State of Ohio. Please keep us in your prayers for daily wisdom as we seek to serve the Lord and CEF of Ohio faithfully.
Our Board
Across the United States, faithful believers with vision and godly character lead the CEF work in their states and local areas. Fulfilling the call of God in their lives, they direct the ministry by serving on local committees and state boards. Interested in joining your state board? Contact us today to learn more.