Good News Clubs
Good News Club® is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission.

5-Day Clubs
5-Day Club® is an exciting, fun-filled one and a half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes dynamic Bible lessons, with creative learning activities, Scripture Memory verses, and much more.
Christian Youth In Action
Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is a program designed to help train you and a team of other young people in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God.

Camp Good News
The international Camp Good News® program has been an active part of the ministry of CEF throughout the years. Using CEF-owned or rented facilities, trained staff maintain an exciting program focused on evangelism and discipleship.
Christmas Across Ohio
Christmas Across Ohio provides the means to celebrate one of the most amazing events in all of history—the birth of Jesus! How will this benefit my church? Most children are not regularly going to a church where they are hearing the Gospel.

Good News Blitz
Good News Blitz is a monthly ministry outreach to children who live in the inner city. The purpose is to evangelize children with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and then direct them to a local church to be discipled.